During my medical leave, I have had time for contemplation about the Compendium Project. And I have decided that it makes sense to end it.
Although the project has generated a lot of enthusiasm and interest, this has not translated into investment of time, effort or money. In parallel with the compendium project, I have been developing a trauma training and trauma approach to child protection (you can find more information HERE and HERE ). This is generating more interest backed up by paid engagements (such as a planned full trauma training course in the Czech Republic and plans for the training in Nigeria) leading me to focus on that in the coming period.
While it would be possible to try to continue to work on the two projects in parallel, in practice this would mean that the compendium project would be dormant for long periods while the trauma work demands more time. Therefore, while I still strongly believe in the usefulness of the outcomes of a compendium project, I am not going to continue it right now. However, I am happy to discuss ways in which the 1697 resources that I have gathered could be used or shared with partners.
The development of the AI tool to access information about care reform resources will continue. Without analysed documents, it will work more as a resource finder. I have indicated my willingness to continue to support this work, I will just not lead it anymore.
I would like to thank all of you who have expressed interest in this project. It has been an interesting ride and certainly not wasted work.