Less Visible Presence

Over the next few weeks, you will see less of me on the website and social media pages. While I will attempt to occasionally write a blog to add to the website, I cannot promise that circumstances will allow.

The reason for my temporary ‘disappearance’ is that right now Why Family-Based Solutions is entirely self-funded. Meaning that I do not get any money, I only provide it. To be able to stay alive myself and to fund the organisation, I need to work for money for intense periods of several weeks from time to time. And such a time has now arrived.

During these periods I do make a point of continuing the organisation’s work through continued email correspondence with various other organisations. However, finding the time to come up with and write out whole blogs tends to be challenging.

Do not worry. I will be back in about a month’s time. And I will get back into action with all cannons blazing again.

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