Introducing the Podcasts

I am very excited that in the quest to raise awareness about various topics surrounding alternative care and institutionalisation, this website has expanded by adding a podcast series. You can find the first podcast HERE.

The idea of the podcasts is first of all to attract people who are more interested in listening to what I have to say, while getting on with their day, rather than having to read is. However, the podcasts will not simply be me saying the same things that I have been writing.

The basic message will be similar: helping people understand the impact of certain aspects of institutionalisation and the kind of alternatives that are available and more beneficial. However, the approach will be different. While the blogs contain mostly theoretical information, explaining in generally issues of child psychology or market mechanisms, for example, the podcasts will be very concrete. The idea is for the podcast to compliment the blogs, by telling real life stories that actually happened to illustrate the theoretical points that I have been making in the blogs.

This week’s podcast is mostly an introduction and an explanation of what you can expect from the series going forward. From next week the stories themselves can be found on the podcast page.

Feel free to let me know what you think of either the blogs or the podcasts in the comments. And if you have questions or requests for subjects to be included, so let me know.

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