What’s Ahead

A look at what you can expect over the next few months and how you can get involved in deciding what the blogs coming up should be about.

Things are going to be a lot quieter on the website until the start of September. No, this is not because I am planning a long, lazy holiday over the summer. Quite the opposite, in fact. Over the next few months I will be working to earn money. This will be pretty much right the way straight through and almost entirely around the clock. So, I will have very little time at my own disposal. For that reason, until the early September, there will mostly just be one blog appearing per week, and one podcast every five, instead of every four weeks.

As I have mentioned before, while I consider Why Family-Based Solutions to be my real job – and I certainly dedicate most of my time to it – it does not bring in any money, and in fact parts of it cost me money – such as the production of the report ‘Alternative Care for Children Around the Globe’ and travel for meetings, providing guidance and organising training. This means that I need to take some time out every year to earn the money needed to stay alive and to fund everything. That time has arrived now and hopefully the earnings of this summer will set me up to be able to focus fully on Why Family-Based Solutions again for many months afterwards.

If during this period subjects arise that I feel need to be addressed and I can find the time to write about them, at times there might be a second blog in a week, but that will not be the norm.

On the subject of content of blogs, I would also like to invite your opinion on what you would like to read more about. Are there subjects that you feel have not been addressed? Are there things that you have been waiting to read more about? Or do you have a question? Are there things you do not understand or that you do not agree with? In any of these cases, I would love to hear from you. If you let me know in the comments, I will see what I can do to cover the topic in one of the future blogs. And I will let you know when you can expect the blog in question to appear.

So, do let me know what you would like to know more about. And I hope you will have a wonderful, relaxing summer.

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