Q&A Video on Deinstitutionalisation

During the Immersive Simulation Lab: Family-Based Care Conference in Pune, on 27 February, I was asked to explain some aspects of the process of moving from institutional care to family-based care, and I did a short Q&A session. Today, instead of a blog, I would like to share the video of that part of the conference with you.

The sound level from my microphone is unfortunately a lot lower than that of the rest of the sound, so you will have to raise the volume when I am speaking to hear clearly. Apologies for that. And I’m aware that at times I’m looking for where to go with it, my excuse for that is that I was given about 5 minutes notice that I would be doing this, to fill up an unexpected gap in the schedule of the day.

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One thought on “Q&A Video on Deinstitutionalisation”

  1. Very impressive with a lot of background information.
    It gives a nice overview of what is going on worldwide with regard to the shift from orphanage to family care.
    What it takes to achieve this with practical tips.

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