Discovering the Road to Peace

While out on a walk, letting my mind drift, things started to connect in my brain. What is happening in the world at the moment, my professional knowledge and my personal experiences came together to form what seems like a coherent answer to an apparently unanswerable question. I have posted this on LinkedIn, and want to share it here as well, where it doesn’t get buried as quickly.

When it feels like the world is crumbling the question that comes up again and again is: what would it take to achieve real, lasting peace? It can seem like a theoretical question, a mental exercise, but, having given it some thought, I believe there is a real answer and solution. It is a simple one, but not an easy one: Achieving peace requires ensuring that everyone receives help to recognise and resolve their trauma, in combination with truly universal social protection and access to basic services (this addition because as will be mentioned severe and long-term poverty is a significant stressor that can lead to a trauma experience).

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