Training Programme on Understanding the Trauma of Children from Institutions

There is suddenly a flurry of blogs I’m putting out. That is because there are so many interesting new developments taking place that I am excited to share with you. In this case, the training programme that I have developed. Making sure that people involved in moving children from institutions to families really understand what to take into account during assessments and how to support families and children does not end with pushing a book into their hands. Most people – particularly those new to these topics – will need training and opportunities to ask questions, discuss issues, and connect the new information to their work experience to implement and integrate it into their daily work practice.

This is why I have developed a series of training options, based on the book ‘Understanding the Trauma of Children from Institutions. A training manual for case workers’. Below you can find a presentation with a brief overview of some of the possible training formats offered.

If you are interested in having staff, trainers, or students trained in understanding the trauma of children in institutions (or in troubled families), please contact me to discuss what would suit your organisation.

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