Additional Risks of Institutionalisation

In previous blogs, we have looked at children being pulled out of their families to fill ‘orphanages’ to cater to the voluntourism industry and the orphanage industry (HERE and HERE). We have looked at ways children are exploited both knowingly and unknowingly in institutions (HERE). And we have looked at how their growth, health and brain development, as well as their chances of successful independent adult lives is put on the line by not having their essential basic needs met for many years (HERE). That seems like too much to handle already, and it really is.

Unfortunately, there is more. When children live in institutions, they are much, much more vulnerable to abuse than children are in general.

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The Real Cost of Institutionalisation

When you start talking about the need to move away from institutional childcare, towards family-based care, you are often confronted with the argument: ‘it is too expensive, we cannot afford to move way from institutions’. It is a very persistent myth that institutional childcare is the most efficient, cost-effective way to care for children without parental care.

Since these days the best way to convince anyone of your point of view is to come with a financial argument, let’s have a look at the real cost of institutionalisation, not just in the moment, but in the long run.

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Survival of the Fittest

In any institution I have visited, where children have lived for many years, in different countries across the world, I am told the same thing: ‘These children are badly behaved, rebellious, ungrateful, disrespectful and disobedient’. I am told this as if they are exceptional, particularly bad children. And I am asked to ‘make them behave better’.

It breaks my heart whenever I am told this, because the behaviour seen in these children is the natural and inevitable result of being raised without attention, affection, a chance to form attachments, proper stimulation and positive role models. As mentioned in the previous blog (which you find HERE), when essential basic needs are not met, brain development does not occur as it should and this causes problems. But also, very simply, there is no supervision or guidance for the children.

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What Institutionalisation Does to Children

Many people consider institutionalisation of children not ideal, but still preferable to the alternatives. This is very unfortunate, and ultimately dangerous. Because it is one of the things that leads to institutionalisation. The reason why many people think institutionalisation is not so bad, is because they think that children’s basic needs are covered when they are put in an institution: they get food, clothes, shelter, they can wash themselves and most of the time they will get education too. The problem is that this covers only half of the basic needs. It covers what I tend to call the child’s practical needs, but not all of their physical and practically none of their psychological needs, which are just as urgent.

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Exploiting Children

In previous blogs mention has already been made of gross forms of exploitation of children, it comes in the form of the orphanage-industry (as you can read HERE and HERE), illegal adoption and forced labour or begging. These things are relatively easy to recognise and condemn. However, children who live in ‘orphanages’ and other institutions tend to be exploited in more ways. And the scary thing is that those who exploit them, do not always know that that is what they are doing.

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What Is a Residential Childcare Institution?

It is often called an ‘orphanage’, even though most of the children living in it are not orphans. Or it is called a children’s home, while it cannot really be called a true home to the children, when their essential basic needs are not met. The most accurate word to use is residential childcare institution, but this is quite a mouthful. And as it turns out, even when you use the most accurate description, there is still a lot of room for confusion, because this term is used for a large variety of things.

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I Have a Birthday, Therefore I Am

Today is my birthday. When you are in your fifth decade, this does not hold all that much significance anymore. It is nice to get friendly wishes, but other than that it is just another day, one filled with work and the drive to get more done for the children.

The situation is very different for children who live in institutions. Generally speaking, birthdays and becoming older are more important to children than they are to adults. But for children who live in institutions there is more to a birthday than that. Their birthday and the absence of any celebration have an important impact on their sense of worth and their identity.

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How Did Orphanages Spread?

A lot of people think that residential childcare institutions, or ‘orphanages’, are an unavoidable part of life. They think that it is the only way to provide care for children without parents and for children whose parents are unable to care for them. So, it follows, that all countries must have them and that they have been around for as long as settled community living, as we know it, has been in existence. This kind of thinking is illustrated by the headline: “Rwanda Wants to Become Africa’s First Orphanage-Free Country: Here’s How”. While Rwanda’s aim to be orphanage-free is laudable, they will not be the first country.

Residential childcare institutions are not universal, and they certainly are not the only or the best way to provide care to children without parental care. So let’s have a look at how ‘orphanages’ became so widespread and how widespread they are.

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Who Ends Up in Institutions?

In the course of my research work for the ‘world list’ it has become clear to me that the reasons why children end up in alternative care, and particularly in institutions, are surprisingly similar across many countries. It also became apparent that there is a big difference between why children in high income countries are in alternative care and why children in other countries are in alternative care. 

Earlier this month I promised a blog on the reasons why children end up in institutions, why they are abandoned. Here is that blog.

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How Child Trafficking Is Related to ‘Orphanages’

Today, on 16 October 2018, NGOs across the world are joining forces in a global trafficking campaign to raise awareness of the scale, the roots and the consequences of human and child trafficking. Unfortunately, child trafficking is a subject that is extremely relevant to anyone involved in institutional residential childcare. So, in this blog, I will describe some of the ways in which the two are connected.

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