Looking Back on 2022

The end of 2022 has already arrived. It seems like this year passed particularly fast, somehow. There was certainly no chance of boredom this year. However, unlike the two previous years, it felt more like things were starting to move forward, rather than being held back and stuck in uncertainty.

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Understanding the Trauma of Institutionalised Children

The moment has finally come! I started working on the first draft of this book late 2019. A combination of it just being a whole lot of work, having other work to take care of, and some pandemic related delays caused it to take almost three years in the end. But it is here now.

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The Fourth Year of Family-Based Solutions

And so another year has passed. It is hard to believe it is already four years since I started Family-Based Solutions (Why Family-Based Solutions then). So much has happened and so much keeps changing. While I have never found myself bored before, the past year has been a particularly busy one.

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Good Addiction and Bad Addiction

As I gradually gained a more detailed understanding of the effects of institutionalisation on children and exactly how attachment works, I have started to realise that human beings are wired for addiction. It is part of our basic development and survival. When development happens the way it is supposed to, addiction is a great strength and support, it helps us survive. When it does not, it can become a major hurdle and can destroy us.

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Ensuring Help Does Not Harm Ukrainian Children

It has taken me a while to feel able to write a blog about the situation of children from Ukraine during the current war. Even though from the start I felt that I wanted to. The main problem, I think, was that there are just so many aspects to the problems that the children are facing, that it is hard to know where to start. A lot of organisations and individuals have jumped into action and are doing absolutely everything they can to keep Ukrainian children as safe as possible. Unfortunately, under the current circumstances, it feels a lot like trying to carry water in a sieve. However, with many of the basics being addressed, things are starting to crystalise a bit more for me.

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The Gap Between Policy and Implementation

When working on transition of care, it is always important to be aware of the legislative and policy framework that exists in the country in question. If there are no frameworks supporting family strengthening, family-based alternative care and prevention of unnecessary separation of children from their families, this is a major obstacle. However, the opposite also happens. In some countries, there are lots of great statements and frameworks in legislation and policy, but actual practical implementation is often slow or practically non-existent.

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UN Day of General Discussion: Children in Alternative Care

Last month, the UN Day of General Discussion took place. Usually, this happens every two years and it was due last year. However, with the pandemic, it got postponed to this year and was held virtually for the very first time. It had been organised by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, and it had been long anticipated by people working in my field. It was considered the next step after the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children.

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How to Get Better Data

There is an increasing understanding of the essential need for data on children in vulnerable situations, including children on the move, children in alternative care, children without parental care, and children in poverty. The call for adequate data on the number of children in these situations and the support that is or is not available to them is growing day by day, from a variety of large international organisations – such as UNICEF, Lumos, Eurochild, Hope and Homes for Children and SOS Children’s Villages – as well as from people in academia. The more people start to become interested in data on children in vulnerable situations and start looking around for them, the more obvious it is that there is a serious lack in this area.

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Understanding Alternative Care

On the international stage and in discussions among child protection experts the term ‘alternative care’, referring to care provisions where children who are unable to live with their parents are placed, is used freely and confidently. On the surface, there seems to be a clear consensus about what we are talking about. However, below the surface, things are far less clear-cut.

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Orphanage Industry in Myanmar Under the Coup

The news of the military coup in Myanmar and the turmoil there is very worrying in itself. However, when I heard about it, the first thing I thought about was the children. Particularly the children who have been recruited into the orphanage industry – ‘orphanages’ run for profit, something that has boomed in the country, over the past decade. What is going to happen to them?

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