Harm Caused by Institutionalisation- Short Version

When I was helping to put the written material together for the Immersive Simulation Lab: Family-Based Care Conference last month, writing parts for the conference pack, for press releases and so on, I was asked to give a very short version of how institutional care is harmful to children. This was followed with the reassurance that I could just copy something from my website or blogs. It sounded like good advice, except that when I started to look for a few paragraphs to borrow, I discovered that I have not written a blog-size version of the general overview yet. So I guess it is high time to change that. Here is my attempt:

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Helping Children Seek Help

One of the speakers at the DI conference, in Sofia at the start of the month, was Dr Peter Fuggle, director of clinical and service improvement at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families in the UK. He talked about the Anna Freud Centre’s approach to helping children who have been institutionalised.

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