Nearing the End of 2024

A year ago, I thought 2024 would bring a new beginning. Instead, it turned out to be a year of finding my feet and gradually discovering a new direction, in other words, more of a year of transition. What surprised me most was that like the year before, it was a year in which personal developments took precedence over work. It has been worthwhile though.

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Raising Funds for the Compendium Project

The compendium project – bringing together and doing a quality analysis of all available practical tools for implementing alternative care reform and making them easily accessible – continues to progress. However, progress has been slower recently, because I am currently unable to fully dedicate myself to the project.

To reduce the delays inevitable in fully self-funding the compendium project, I have started a fundraiser on GoFundMe. If you would like to help ensure that free access to the outcomes of the project is available around the world as soon as possible, you can donate HERE. Sharing the GoFundMe link is much appreciated too.

2023 Was Quite a Year

It was not apparent to everyone from the outside, but 2023 was very different for me. The first half of the year I was able to do some work, the accomplishments I listed in the blog about what happened in the fifth year of Family-Based Solutions, which you can find HERE. Because when I work, I tend to be highly productive, to many people that may have even looked at a fairly productive period for me. But it really was not.

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Training Programme on Understanding the Trauma of Children from Institutions

There is suddenly a flurry of blogs I’m putting out. That is because there are so many interesting new developments taking place that I am excited to share with you. In this case, the training programme that I have developed. Making sure that people involved in moving children from institutions to families really understand what to take into account during assessments and how to support families and children does not end with pushing a book into their hands. Most people – particularly those new to these topics – will need training and opportunities to ask questions, discuss issues, and connect the new information to their work experience to implement and integrate it into their daily work practice.

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A Call for Collaboration on the Compendium Project

I have started an ambitious independent project. It aims to build on various resources and tools that are developed by different (I)NGOs and practitioners to provide concrete guidance on implementation for various parts of the process of transitioning alternative care from institutional to family-based. I intend to map the resources and tools – also those developed for specific countries – available, (and am able to read documents in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Dutch). The project will go beyond an overview of what is out there and where it can be found. It will include a full analysis of the strengths, weaknesses of, and gaps in and between the different resources and tools. The mapping will only be the first stage of the project. The second stage will be to develop a document – or given the eventual size, really more of a compendium – in which the strongest elements from all the resources will be brought together (properly referenced) and to create new material to fill the gaps identified.

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The Fifth Year of Family-Based Solutions

Amazing to already be marking half a decade of Family-Based Solutions. It continues to be astonishing how quickly time passes and how fast things keep developing. Five years ago, I certainly would not have thought to hope that I would be looking back on the kind of year I have had. With some things continuing and various new things appearing and new plans being formed.

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Advocacy Material from Understanding the Trauma of Children from Institutions

‘Understanding the Trauma of Children from Institutions. A training manual for case workers’ is not only useful for people involved in moving children from institutions to families to increase their knowledge and awareness about the effects of institutionalisation and how they can support families to help children catch up. Because it gives detailed information about how care in institutions differs from care in families and in what ways this causes harm, it also provides important ‘ammunition’ for advocacy for alternative care reform towards family-based care and family strengthening.

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Audio Version of the Training Manual for Case Workers

I am proud to announce the audio version of all 17 chapters of ‘Understanding the Trauma of Children from Institutions. A training manual for caseworkers’ are now all available to order for a small price at the web shop of this website. You can order the chapters individually, or all 17 together (in which case the price will be reduced to include taxes in the 1 euro fee per chapter and the Conclusion is added free of charge) HERE.

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Introductory Video of the Model of Understanding Trauma

In the books ‘Understanding the Trauma of Institutionalised Children. To support the child you adopt’ and ‘Understanding the Trauma of Children from Institutions. A training manual for case workers’ I have given a pretty detailed overview of what is problematic about children growing up in institutions and how well-supported families can help children from institutions overcome the challenges that have developed.

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