Podcast Orphanage Industry

In today’s podcast some real-life examples of the realities of the orphanage industry. Giving an insight into the mentality of the people running ‘orphanages’ in order to get money from donors and into the impact on the children.

The next podcast will be posted in four weeks.

Please share this to help spread awareness.

So How DOES One Help?

As the trauma of the expensive December-month is starting to fade, this might be a good time to have a look at what causes you would like to donate to this year. People who really want to help vulnerable children, may feel thrown off kilter after hearing that donating to so-called orphanages actually does a lot of harm, despite the best intentions. This is very understandable. I really hope that this will not shake their determination to make a difference and donate to causes that would be of great help.

So in this blog I want to give an overview of the kind of things that ARE beneficial to vulnerable children and that can use backing and financial support.

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Combating Poverty, the Cheaper Option

As mentioned in the blog at the start of the month (HERE) poverty is very high on the list of reasons why children end up being separated from their parents, and in many cases institutionalised. This is something that can be tackled relatively simply.

When I talk about poverty relief, I am not talking about pie-in-the-sky wishes like an end to hunger globally (and let’s throw in world peace for good measure). Of course I would like to see that, but let’s go one step at a time. In this blog I want to mention a series of practical measures that are already being implemented in many places, including in some low-income countries. Measures that have been shown to be very effective, as well as very cost-effective.

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