Training Manual for Case Workers

The training manual is now available! It is the twin to Understanding the Trauma of Institutionalised Children. To support the child you adopt, which I published in September last year. That was a book written for adoptive parents caring or planning to care for a child coming from an institution. The book gave information about how institutionalisation affects brain development and the stress response system, what the effects of that are and how parents can support the child to overcome challenging behaviour and developmental delays as much as possible. This information is not only applicable to children who are adopted from institutions. It applies to all children who are moved from institutions to families. That is why, even before the ‘adoption version’ came out, I had started work on adapting the same basic content to a different audience.

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Kinship Care Cannot Be 'Dump and Run'

Lucy Peake of Grandparent Plus gave a presentation on kinship care in the UK at the IFCO seminar in London early last month. It was striking how heartwarming and heartbreaking the situation she described was, at the same time. Heartwarming because of the large numbers of people willing to take the child of a relative or good friend into their home. And heartbreaking because of how little support they are given and the terrible situations that this can lead to.

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To Know Your Life Story

Children who grow up in a family, from the time they were small babies, know the story about their life. They love asking their parents to tell them about the time that… they were born, their siblings arrived, they hit certain milestones, the family moved house or had big celebrations, and so on. By talking about these things, sharing memories and stories, by watching photos and videos these children build up their life story. And their life story includes a narrative from the time of which they have no memories.

Our life story is important for our sense of identity. It plays a role in our image of who we are. Unfortunately, for children in alternative care it is very rare to know about their entire life and to have a complete life story to hold on to.

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