There Is No Failsafe Formula for Transition

Last week, in a discussion with global experts on alternative care and care reform, I became increasingly alarmed. The discussion was about the need to have clear definitions and standards to ensure that everyone knows what is meant and expected. I have no argument with that. However, the way the discussion went, implied that once definitions and standards would be agreed upon, this would provide not just a useful framework, but something like a formula or a clear step-by-step guide. With the further implication that if this formula or guide is followed this would automatically lead to good outcomes. That is what I have major issues with.

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Training Manual for Case Workers

The training manual is now available! It is the twin to Understanding the Trauma of Institutionalised Children. To support the child you adopt, which I published in September last year. That was a book written for adoptive parents caring or planning to care for a child coming from an institution. The book gave information about how institutionalisation affects brain development and the stress response system, what the effects of that are and how parents can support the child to overcome challenging behaviour and developmental delays as much as possible. This information is not only applicable to children who are adopted from institutions. It applies to all children who are moved from institutions to families. That is why, even before the ‘adoption version’ came out, I had started work on adapting the same basic content to a different audience.

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Looking Back on 2022

The end of 2022 has already arrived. It seems like this year passed particularly fast, somehow. There was certainly no chance of boredom this year. However, unlike the two previous years, it felt more like things were starting to move forward, rather than being held back and stuck in uncertainty.

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Breaking Stigma Through Exposure

Stigma is an important roadblock in the way of moving children from institutions to families. As well as to ensure that children are not separated from their families unnecessarily in the first place. There are a lot of children who are affected by stigma, including but not limited to children with disabilities, children affected by HIV, children of unwed mothers, children belonging to marginalised minorities, children on the move, children living in the street, former child soldiers, survivors of child trafficking, survivors of sexual abuse, and children who have lived in ‘orphanages’. In discussions around moving children who are stigmatised in some way from institutions to families, there is often a perception that this cannot be done, it is just not safe for the children to be moved into a community that does not accept them.

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Understanding the Trauma of Institutionalised Children

The moment has finally come! I started working on the first draft of this book late 2019. A combination of it just being a whole lot of work, having other work to take care of, and some pandemic related delays caused it to take almost three years in the end. But it is here now.

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The Fourth Year of Family-Based Solutions

And so another year has passed. It is hard to believe it is already four years since I started Family-Based Solutions (Why Family-Based Solutions then). So much has happened and so much keeps changing. While I have never found myself bored before, the past year has been a particularly busy one.

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Don’t Let Boarding Schools Replace ‘Orphanages’

As more and more governments start to transition care from institutional to family-based alternative care, and donors increasingly become aware of the harm that institutionalisation causes children, the orphanage industry (running ‘orphanages’ for profit) is falling apart. Removing children from their families, putting them in institutions and calling them orphans was once so profitable, foreign donors and volunteers would be queuing to bring in money. Now, it is becoming harder and harder to convince donors to hand over their money for institutional care. So, people running residential childcare institutions are looking around for other options.

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Good Addiction and Bad Addiction

As I gradually gained a more detailed understanding of the effects of institutionalisation on children and exactly how attachment works, I have started to realise that human beings are wired for addiction. It is part of our basic development and survival. When development happens the way it is supposed to, addiction is a great strength and support, it helps us survive. When it does not, it can become a major hurdle and can destroy us.

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Harmful Practices and Children with Disabilities

All around the world, there is a growing recognition that certain traditional practices that have been handed down from generation to generation are in fact harmful to children. Even though these traditional practices continue to have great cultural significance, more and more people are convinced that this does not outweigh the risks posed to the children. While progress in protecting children from harmful practices is gradual and at times slow, it is undeniable that there is progress and that the momentum is growing. However, unfortunately, in many cases what people consider harmful practices is confined to a very specific list.

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