Do Not Rush Deinstitutionalisation

Even though we are all in a hurry to put an end to the institutionalisation of children, we cannot afford to rush the process of deinstitutionalisation. In a previous blog (HERE), I mentioned the dangers of time pressure on the deinstitutionalisation process at the national and international level. In today’s blog, I want to address the dangers of rushing the process at the level of the individual institution, and how hard it is to resist the temptation to give in to the push to go faster.

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Limitations to the Use of Small Group Homes

There is increasing debate among people involved in designing alternative care for children as to whether or not small group homes are an acceptable option that is in the best interest of the children. There is no consensus on this yet. In fact, I have recently put in a bid to be allowed to do the literature review that SOS Children’s Villages is commissioning to get an overview of the research done on this.

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Keeping Best Interest at the Centre

The Convention on the Rights of the Child states in several articles that the Best Interest of the child should always be kept at the centre of all decision making and should take precedence over all other considerations. This is a very important principle. One that is generally acknowledged to be correct. In fact, in many countries, the law states the same thing. However in practice, the best interest of the child very often falls by the roadside.

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